Blessed are the Peacemakers

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Jesus tells us that peacemakers are blessed. Peace in the Bible is not a negative, the absence of hostilities, but rather a positive that includes everything necessary for human flourishing. It is a holistic word. Peace comes when our physical, emotional, relational,...

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Discipling Online Worshippers

Discipling Online Worshippers

Two weeks ago, I posted the question, how are we going to disciple all the people who are coming to our online church services. How are we going to get them to engage with the Gospel when many of them have shown no interest in attending our churches live?  As...

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The State of Global Christianity

The State of Global Christianity

Gordon-Conwell’s Center for Global Christianity issued a report on the Status of Global Christianity. It highlights several surprising facts about Christianity in the world today. One of the most important is that Christianity as a percentage of the global population...

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Following Up With Online Worshippers

Following Up With Online Worshippers

In the last blog post, I pointed out that attendance at online services during the current shutdown is many times higher than what we were getting live, and I asked what we are going to do to disciple the new people we are reaching. As a start, here are a few ideas:...

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COVID-19, Shutdowns, and the Church

COVID-19, Shutdowns, and the Church

I'm not happy about not being able to meet live for church, but consider: in England, ten times the number of people that were attending churches on Sunday are joining online services. A church in my town that has under 200 people attending on a typical Sunday is...

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More than we can ask or imagine

More than we can ask or imagine

When Christians talk about the Incarnation, they rightly focus on God’s love for us which is so great that He was willing become human Himself, being born into a poor family in an obscure and troublesome province in the Roman Empire, to save ungrateful people who were...

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Election Day Reflections and a Prayer

Election Day Reflections and a Prayer

The candidates for the presidency of the United States, one of whom will be elected today, share a number of things in common. Broadly speaking, their professional lives are driven by a desire for wealth; their personal lives are shaped by sexual appetites; and their...

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Gimli and Genesis 1

Gimli and Genesis 1

During the Battle of Helms Deep In The Two Towers,  Gimli was driven into Aglarond, the Glittering Caves behind the fortress. When he came out he told Legolas about the wonders he had seen there. When Legolas replied that it was well that the dwarves did not know...

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Anxious Times

Anxious Times

  We live in anxious times. We are facing challenges from China, Russia, North Korea, Daesh (ISIS), .... As I write this there have been several terrorist incidents in the US over the past few days. At home, we have to deal with debt, underemployment and...

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