Celtic Christianity Reading List

Celtic Christianity Reading List

Since my short video on St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity and my article The Story of the Celtic Cross, several people have contacted me for a reading list on Celtic Christianity. Before I give you my list, a few comments are in order. The Pitfalls Many books on...

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Passover and Holy Week

A discussion of the apparent differences in the date of Passover during Holy week in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) compared to John, why it is important, and ways that have been suggested to resolve the...

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St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity

The story of St. Patrick and the transformation of pagan Irish culture into "the Island of Saints and Scholars." The Irish became the best scholars in western and central Europe and had an out-sized impact on education,...

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The Story of the Celtic Cross

The Story of the Celtic Cross

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I'm reposting an article on the Celtic Cross that I wrote years ago that is no longer available. Along with this, I just posted a short video on St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity that talks about...

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Biblical Views on Work and Wealth

An overview of biblical views of labor and wealth, starting from Genesis and continuing through Scripture and church history. This lecture was prepared for the Christian Open Academy in Ukraine.

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Augustine’s Christmas Sermons

Augustine’s Christmas Sermons

From the earliest days of the Church, Christian theologians have marveled at the paradoxes found in the incarnation. Among the earliest expressions of this marveling comes from St. Augustine, the most influential theologian in Western Christianity.  Augustine was born...

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Advent through the Ages: The O Antiphons 

Advent through the Ages: The O Antiphons 

As Christmas approaches, I always find myself connecting to the past, both my family’s history and beyond that to the more distant history of the church through the ages. Perhaps I do that because the theme of Advent (the season of the church year that begins four...

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