St. Patrick and Celtic Christianity

The story of St. Patrick and the transformation of pagan Irish culture into "the Island of Saints and Scholars." The Irish became the best scholars in western and central Europe and had an out-sized impact on education,...

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More thoughts on AI

More thoughts on AI

In last week’s post, I reviewed John Lennox’s book 2084 about AI. This week saw a controversy erupt over bias in AI. When Gemini, Google's AI engine, asked to generate pictures in response to specific prompts, it produced wildly inaccurate results. American founding...

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Biblical Views on Work and Wealth

An overview of biblical views of labor and wealth, starting from Genesis and continuing through Scripture and church history. This lecture was prepared for the Christian Open Academy in Ukraine.

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What Really Happened at Plymouth

What Really Happened at Plymouth

Revisionist attempts to reinterpret the first Thanksgiving have muddled the history of Plymouth Colony and the Pilgrims. Some on the right call the historical events a “triumph of capitalism,” getting the chronology of events wrong. Voices on the left often accuse...

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Johannes Kepler, Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him

Johannes Kepler, Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him

November marks the death of Johannes Kepler, one of the most important figures of the Scientific Revolution and a scientist who was motivated by his Christian beliefs. The significance of Kepler’s work can only be understood in light of what he faced and risked. The...

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Barbaric Norms: Hamas, Israel, and Just War

Barbaric Norms: Hamas, Israel, and Just War

The despicable and horrendous attacks by Hamas against civilians last week, including beheading children and kidnapping the elderly, seems a throwback to some distant, barbaric past of human history. We may have thought the world had long ago outgrown such barbarity,...

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Does Christmas Have Pagan Roots?

Every year at Christmas time we hear arguments that our Christmas celebrations are little more than warmed over paganism. We hear that the date was selected to compete with pagan holidays, or worse, to absorb pagan holidays into the church, and that our Christmas...

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