Christ and the Feasts

Christ and the Feasts The Feasts of the Old Testament are intimately connected to key events in Jesus' life and the founding of the church. This video discusses the Spring Feasts, focusing especially on the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost.

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The Ascension

The Ascension of Christ is often ignored by Christians, who frequently focus on Easter and Pentecost. This is unfortunate since the Ascension is actually critical to our faith and salvation. This video explores some of...

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A Good Friday Poem

A Good Friday Poem

For Good Friday, I am sharing a poem written by my daughter, Elizabeth Sunshine Koroma. It's my favorite Good Friday poem and I think it is particularly impressive that she wrote it while in college. I'm including her explanation of some of the imagery from a blog...

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Passover and Holy Week

A discussion of the apparent differences in the date of Passover during Holy week in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) compared to John, why it is important, and ways that have been suggested to resolve the...

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Advent through the Ages: The O Antiphons 

Advent through the Ages: The O Antiphons 

As Christmas approaches, I always find myself connecting to the past, both my family’s history and beyond that to the more distant history of the church through the ages. Perhaps I do that because the theme of Advent (the season of the church year that begins four...

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Death at Christmas

Hope in the Face of Darkness Back in 2012, a friend of mine who was a pastor in Hartford, Connecticut, asked me to preach at his church. I was preparing to go on a five-week mission trip to Asia, and this would give his congregation a chance to meet me and perhaps to...

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Does Christmas Have Pagan Roots?

Every year at Christmas time we hear arguments that our Christmas celebrations are little more than warmed over paganism. We hear that the date was selected to compete with pagan holidays, or worse, to absorb pagan holidays into the church, and that our Christmas...

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